Inspiration Behind the Adventure Uber Design

Have you ever looked at the Adventure Uber design and wondered about its story? It's more than just another fun bike on a vehicle design—it's rooted in the early day memories of my starting the TASCO brand, and a collaborative spark with Evan Chismark, a talented artist whose work has always resonated with me.
Back in the early days of the TASCO journey, my family owned a vehicle that built hundreds of memories of a life on the road to events. Sure, this 1990 VW Westy took my young family on countless trips to the beach, mountains and deserts surrounding San Diego, but it also schlepped me and my merch to as many events as it could safely make it to in a reasonable time.
In a sea of modern diesel cargo vans (mainly Sprinters back then), the Westy stood out with its timeless charm and unique character. It was truly a conversation starter when we had it integrated into our expo booth.
One particular memory stands out to me vividly. I was on the road back from the Sedona MTB festival, someone drove alongside and shouted, "You need to get a t-shirt printed with that van on it!" This igniting the spark of inspiration that would later become the Adventure Uber design.
Having followed Evan Chismark's work on Instagram for some time and appreciating his hand-drawn outdoor adventure designs, I reached out to him with the idea of collaborating on bringing the Adventure Uber to life. He was stoked on the opportunity so I shared a few pictures of my van, and Evan took it from there. He did take the creative liberty to upgrade the van to a Syncro 4x4 version and infused it with even more rugged charm and character.
So now you know the backstory. The Adventure Uber isn't just a graphic on a shirt—it's truly a symbol of the early day adventures of building this brand with a humble grassroots approach while appreciating the connections and passion that drive the mountain biking community. It embodies the spirit of exploration and the joy of the journey, echoing the ethos of the brand we have built.
Do you remember seeing the van at any events? Drop a comment below and share your stories!